Monday, May 11, 2009, here I come!

You may have noticed that I removed the last post I made about, which stated that they probably wouldn't pick me up due to the problem of copyrighted music, or so I thought. Turns out I was wrong ... very wrong. On 05/06/09, I was contacted by and it looks like they're picking me up after all!

Now of course, that's probably going to mean that the existing videos will probably get taken down and moved to the site and YouTube page as part of the agreement and the videos will wind up in my favorites, linked to the Machinima YouTube. This of course, is most likely going to cause a problem for my current subscribers. No doubt I still plan to upload videos to my channel, but the Idiot Box and Gmod Arena series will be available on's YouTube channel and site. This causes me a lot of concern about as equal as my excitement. Words like "sell-out" and "abandoner" come to mind and it would really suck to know that I would be letting down many of my current fans and subscribers, even just a little bit.

I'm going to be opening up a new poll on the right. Please go ahead and vote on that and maybe even comment while you're at it. I'm not going anywhere, the videos are simply moving, but it still bugs me that somehow, this could anger the fans, who have been nothing but awesome in the last 5 - 6 months I've started my Gmod movies.

So what do you say?

(This post is now void, as I abandoned the contract, but I'm still keeping this up as a record of overcoming my ignorance. Lawl)


  1. suck balls, please don't D:

    Seriously, they give a shitty description, and a all the shitty things.

    But after all, you will keep making your movies coming, so you choose, not so big of matter.

  2. Hmm, wait, I'm TNTX32, sorry if it'says Gmod116.

  3. Hey dude I think u should go with Machinma .. It's a huge site and a huge company, It's great that they accepted u!

  4. I think Leetworld has their uploads of the Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret on both their channel and Machinima's, so I doubt you'll have to remove your videos. I think you should take the offer.

  5. Join the machinma, make trailers of your videos that would direct people to video on machinma = problem solved.

  6. I don't think they suck balls. I just don't want to turn beauty into business

  7. I think you should give it a go.

    If they put too much constraint on what content you can use or the time frame to make your videos, I think they're good enough reasons to back out.

    But on the one hand, it's a great opportunity to show your videos to a wider public.

    But regardless of what you do, I love your videos, and won't stop loving them, no matter where they are hosted.

  8. Well, the thing is that machinima is just like any company. People that end up having to make videos for them, gets stuck and they suck out all of your freedom!

    The thing is that they picked you up even though you had copyrighted music, right? Well, once you get started working for them, they won't accept any of that. They will make you pay for the music or find shitty music that's not copyrighted. You're not allowed to do everything in your videos.. When it comes to a limit where they cut off a big part of the freedom of making and producing your awesome gmod machinimas, then you might wanna think "do I really wanna work for these guys"?
    Working for them will cause alot of problems for us fans that has been there supporting you even since the start! You would sell yourself out.. Alot of great people have done this mistake. They ended up loosing almost all of their fans, and those fans got replaced with machinima fanboys. This means that there's no going back..

    So is it really worth it, bo schitt? Can you afford loosing everything your for the sake of working for machinima?

  9. Please don't. Why would you join their likes, your movies are of much higher quality than and you can prosper greatly on your own.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. whats so wrong with they publish machinima, not make it, if you did then the only differences that machinima will be publishing it, you'll still get credit. i do movies on there and i have alot of freedom for my work

  12. w00t! wayta go DasBoSchitt!!! this could be really big, even though it may be a small problem for us fans, it could be very beneficial for you, so if your gonna take my advice go for it :)

  13. oh and by the way ImagineerAust, ever watched freeman's mind? I think there pretty good :O as good as dasboschitt in fact (maybe) even better! (no offense DasBoSchitt, its just my toughts) D:

  14. PPS: hmmmmmmmm, you raise a good point, Jocken.

    this is complicated

  15. Only thing I have against Machinima is it's HUGEAZZ list of movies.
    Gonna be hard to find yours



  17. Oh, please. Go ahead, take up the offer. Any claims that you're 'selling out' or, as the clear genius 'XManXHunterX' claims, and I quote, "is like a soup of alots of videos and try to find your video goin to be inpossible," are stemming from, in case I've not implied it heavily enough, pure stupidity.

    Harder to find, my ass. Suck it up. This is a good choice for him. Don't be a selfish prick and whine that it'll take you three seconds longer to search "Gmod idiot box" in their video archive to find any of his videos.

    ...but, since I'm quite sure this whole ordeal has come and gone, I'm equally sure that my advice won't be much good.

  18. everytime you work with machinima,god kills a kitty

  19. So you get paid and get to make videos for fun? Lucky you

  20. I hope machinima's contract brings you to the ground you little grown up cowardice weak-minded rude and inconsiderate holedigging kamikaze nigger nazi asshole dickshwab fucktard.

  21. Don't do it doc! I know people that started makeing machinimas and the quality of there vids is just terrible not just because they care less now of makeing vids but also because of the copyrights. I don't think you would get more views with machinima cuz you are the most know Gmod director out there. And also, if you wonno be an ahole and just care of earning a lot of money buy uploading vids, why just not join the youtube partner program? It's the same as machinima but you will keep your work on your channel.

  22. dasboschitt its ofcourse all up to you!
    if you want to do it then do it
    if you dnt want to do then dont.

    but i have always liked your videos more then those of machinima.
    machinima is indeed huge and has alot of followers.
    but i think that youre better then machinima.
    you can do whatever you want in your videos now,
    when you join machinima, you will get alot limitations.
    i think you shouldnt join machinima.

    but thats all up to you.
