Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cast of Characters!

Why did it take me so long to do this? I dunno, forgetfulness and laziness I guess.

-- Das Bo Schitt --

A citizen who once lived in City 17, now granted his own home by Dr. Breen after the second episode of his pirate TV show, The Gmod Idiot Box was released.

The Gmod Idiot Box started out as a pirate television show Das Bo Schitt created, that was accessible through a secret tuning each day at 6:00 PM. The show's original purpose was to boost the morale of the citizens in hopes of battling the combine much more effectively. When a home was raided by Combine officers one day during one of the showings, one particular civil protection officer took notice of the show and enjoyed it, ultimately obtaining the frequency of the show and spreading it around to the rest of the Combine. Eventually, word of it made it all the way back to the citadel. Dr. Breen didn't personally enjoy the idiotic show himself, but because it boosted even the Combine's morale significantly, he gave the show it's own public channel within the city, mostly playing reruns due to slow production, and relocated Das Bo Schitt out of City 17 and into his own home away from regular Combine juristiction as reward for his un-intended deed for all citizens and Combine alike.

Das Bo Schitt now lives in the quiet neighborhood of "Evocity" where apparently the first civil protection officer to stumble upon his show shares the house with him.

-- #1 --

He was the first civil protection officer to stumble upon the Gmod Idiot Box, as well as the very first soldier ever to be created of the Combine force. He was designed as an android with simulated human thought. After many tests of the soldier's capability, they realized many strengths and weaknesses with the projects. The up-sides being, he had incredible strength, capabilities and made descisions rather quickly, as well as acting upon them almost immediately. The down side was, he turned out just a little TOO human. He found so much hilarity in things and often ignored orders, going rogue in favor of getting his own way. He was never arrested or brought back in for further design touch ups because for one reason, the project already costed a ton of funding and Dr. Breen dared not spend another cent, having already scrapped the project in favor of the cheaper method ... converting humans into mindless soldiers. The other reason? He was simply too damn good at what he did, being the most capable soldier of the entire Combine army, regardless of his otherwise weird, unorthadox and rogue methods.

Imagine #1 as a 14 year old spastic gamer in an adult body and you'd pretty much sum up his personality. Where he sucks horribly at book smarts, he excells highly in street smarts and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, usually through means of playing dirty and unfair. He'll attempt to win a boxing match by kicking his opponent in the groin or breaking something and using it as a weapon. Unlike the other civil protection officers, #1 prefers a crowbar rather than a stunstick, for it provides multiple uses and doesn't need to be charged.

Today, #1 reigns not only as the first soldier, or the first Combine to come across the show, but also is considered the #1 fan of the Gmod Idiot Box. A month after episode 2 came out and became available on YouTube, he became impatient for the next episode and tracked Das Bo Schitt down in Evocity, ramming his car off the road and forcing him to hurry up and make the next episode. A month later, #1 caught him vacationing without any announcements to the public and stole a headcrab canister, launching it to his location and forcing Bo Schitt to make the next one. After a while, Bo Schitt realized there was no running from #1 and decided befriending him was the best course of action. By episode 4, #1 had moved in with Bo Schitt, finding and beating the YouTube stick figure plague, "Bob" to keep Bo Schitt's patience in good standing. Ever since, the good outweighed the bad and they became mutual friends. There will always be times when #1 is an asshole, but there's always some price to having constant protection and over the top beatings of those that simply annoy. Besides, #1 seems undeniably fun to have around.

-- Charles Olson AKA, Chuckles the Cheat --

Chuckles is infamous for many things. His pranks on others originally surfaced as a coping mechanism for the unfortunate state of the world after Earth's surrender, but got too much enjoyment out of it and no longer has to cope anymore. Now griefing is a state of mind for Chuckles, finding so many ways to prank and grief others with his shinnanegans for endless laughs. Chuckles had worked in cyberspace for a very long period of time to the point where he discovered how to literally hack the very fabric of reality, simply by using an average cell phone. Due to this, he was given a wide range of abilities, like passing through walls, making himself unusually fast, or even indestructable. He passed the word on to many citizens and thus, hacking was the new epidemic in the city. Many citizens however, don't grasp the full potential of their hacking and are usually able to be handled by the average Combine soldiers, but Chuckles still proves a real nuisance to everyone including Dr. Breen, making him a priority one target for Dr. Breen's counter-hacking plan. #1 however will not pursue Chuckles, for he finds what Chuckles does hilarious.

-- Dr. Hax --

Dr. Hax was created by Dr. Breen as the ultimate countermeasure to the damage caused by the year of the hacking outbreak. Still, many citizens including Chuckles continue to hack to this day and Dr. Hax is always there to stop them. Created to look exactly like Dr. Breen, Hax was given a giant head so everyone will remember Breen's face ... a reminder of who they're dealing with in the city. Granting admin privilages to the world around them to combat hackers easier, Breen even armed Dr. Hax with what was known as "LUA Monitors." These monitors were modeled after large, heavy CRT monitors, which are incredibly accurate and hurt like all hell when they hit. They are also designed to restore the default settings of their target, returning anything out of the ordinary back to normal on impact. Telekenetic launching is the method of which these monitors travel, often summoning monitors into being, or simply launching a monitor from nearby after it's coded manually by Dr. Hax once he has control of it. Sometimes however, Dr. Hax is quick to jump the gun and wrongfully accuse someone of hacking when it seems "too good to be true." A good example of this was when a fight broke out between #1 and Das Bo Schitt in the Evocity streets. He noticed #1's weilding of a full sized car and called hax upon him, only to be knocked out by the flying car, which was thrown by ultimately legitimate means, as #1's strength is still something to be feared.

-- UberKleiner --

During the hacking epidemic in the city, many machines, including the ones in Dr. Kleiner's lab were suffering breakdowns and sometimes even explosions. This was due to the fact that the serious ammount of hacking around the city created rips in the fabric of reality, creating an unstable fusion of reality and fiction in the form of data. This rogue data appear in the form of what was best described as "nonsense" appearing out of nowhere. While Dr. Kleiner was watching the movie, "Dumb and Dumber" on his lab computer, a nearby hack cause a rip that became so severe, the computer exploded in his face, causing a fusion of Kleiner and the fictional movie. Thus, UberKleiner was created and though Dr. Kleiner was never hurt from the incident, UberKleiner lives on through the rips in reality, appearing at extremely random moments to share with everyone ... the most annoying sound in the world. The lazer cannon blasts during such a sound still has yet to be even explained, but then, no one has been able to make sense of what comes of these rips in reality.

-- Gravity Cat --

The result of the resistance science team's attempt to create an advanced teleportation rift. When a lab cat was sent through the rift as the first teleportation experiment, it never came through to the other side and was lost. A week later, sightings of a feline with the same description as the one in Kleiner's lab, showed up in an abandoned home along the coast. Rumor had it, the cat was able to defy the laws of gravity and had un-explainable, dangerous powers at it's disposal, but only when it was un-amused. Since then, the quest to amuse the cat was on, just to see if it would bring good to the ones that amused it. Unfortunately, a man in a purple suit stepped forward in an attempt to satisfy the feline with a number of horrible dance moves. The man failed and the one they called "Gravity Cat" escaped, blowing away everything in his path. He eventually found his way back to Kleiner's lab late at night and caused terrible damage. To this day, Barney still struggles with nightmares of the Gravity Cat, even though he was already long gone after exacting it's revenge. One can only assume that the abrupt arrival of Gravity Cat sightings means that it too travels through the rips in reality, much like UberKleiner.


  1. lol haha nice men great information, and great 50'000 subscriber vid

  2. Excellent stuff, Mr. Schitt. Does Everybody Loves Francis get broadcasted to the citizens of City 17 as well?

  3. I think Dr. Hax and Gravity Cat should Settle down and get married, have kids.

  4. and have gravity hax bebbehs

    i dunno if it will work though, during the cinima part on episdode 6

  5. It's nice to be able to take a peak into the lives of these characters and realize the world they live in is a terrifying nonsense dimension.

  6. Haha, awesome stuff.
    Nice to be able to know what everyone's all about; I've found myself growing attached to these hilarious characters for some time, now.

  7. I like chuckles the cheats.He is farcical.

  8. uber kliener thats fun as hell to make on gmod :D

  9. hey it be cool if you had some halo cariters in your award win movies

  10. You should introduce a new character.

  11. hahaha great Bo Schitt... but

    i guess you forgot the Father Grigori

  12. Dr.Hax for president,he'd lead us well *nodnod*

  13. #1 is epic.
    Btw you know that Civil Protection are human, right? They are the only humans siding with the combine.

  14. am I the only one who would watch "BoSchitt and 1"
    that would be the best sitcom ever created.

  15. I'm with marshmallow, that would be an epic show.

  16. Uber Kleiner is the most interesting....He shoots lazers out of no where and appears at random moments and has THE MOST ANNOYING SOUND IN THE WORLD seriousy,if i had to listen to that every day......i would try to encase my self in laser proof lead armor and wear ear muffs. so, that's why he is sooooo funny when BoSchitt summoned him upon#1 at the intersection in the middle of a duel.

  17. also, what about the pet peeves guy, father grigori??????

  18. russkiy said...

    #1 is epic.
    Btw you know that Civil Protection are human, right? They are the only humans siding with the combine.
    November 5, 2009 11:51 PM
    If u played HL2, in the citadel idk where, there is a picture of what are the combines They are nano-orgacic half-humans-half-robots

  19. lol if i had hypercam i could make that gravityhax thing lol

  20. gravity cat is my favorite charactor in there:D

  21. nice stuff! its fun to get injected with random right into your brain once and a while. keep up the work! and by the way: tofu cow

  22. Are you going to add Mr.Goldblum or whoever he is from ToE?

  23. very nice! keep the videos up! on youtube i subbed and invited if you could please answer! thx! i love your shit man!


    KEEP GOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. hey boschitt can u send me the gmod idiot box episode 3 my email is thanks

  26. you should work on the left 4 dead characters, which includes the zombies. and renamon. and some of the team fortress 2 charecters. maybe fred.

  27. Ray, did you mean "Add those characters to the above Character List"? If so, I 2nd the motion. I can't wait to see the write up on Fred.

  28. Is that Ellis in episode 8 the one that goes burburbubrub is he going to be a new character?

  29. nice one BoShitt....
    Machinima VS BoSchitt

    Who Wins lets make a video


  31. lol i love gravity cat can you give me the link so i can download him :D

  32. does DR.HAX cheat cod mw2 wins all the time?

  33. I Love Uberkleiner .. hahahha xD I love all these vids and characters LOL.Don't use hax, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX

  34. yo i love gmod idiot lets catch up. im jamyth i normaly play construct icant is the start of the server name

  35. hahahah uberkleiner yeeeeeaaaa xD

  36. Das Bo Schitt can u add me at e-mail adress? plzz

  37. an idea i got (which most likely he will ignore and/or make fun at) is that Dasboschitt make a short series covering the daily lives of the characters.

  38. why renamon not main character?

  39. funny shit but i love to hax alot but to bad no stop me because there no way to stop me

  40. you should make a second skit of fred.maybe you could make an airsoft war skit and heavy comes in with sheila and kills

  41. I though Gravity Cat was killed by Doctor Hax in the theater during GIB episode 6

  42. Check out my Youtube.

  43. how did you make renamon hump?

  44. Add Mr. Goldblum to the cast!

  45. Hahaha LOL DasBoSchitt. Good info and background on characters. You're my favorite YouTube movie maker.

  46. It just needs "Dirty Renamon" now, I'll laugh when the Renamon fans have a heart attack about it :D

  47. Where is mister "Fuck" and coach

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Hey can you say to me how you make the ragdolls movements?

  50. So THATS WHAT happened to the cat.Thanks for explaining.

  51. This character information is great.. First I thought everything was just random but when you put it like this, it looks like everything is a good story, even if it's random.

    You allways seem to amuse me with your facts and videos, and that's why I am a fan, and will allways be. Good Job!


  53. You didn't explain what that yellow and purple fox-looking thing is.

  54. Renamon, i dont know what it is, only what it is called

  55. *Laughing*

    Amazing. I'm impressed

  56. im gonna need a sweeper.-biscuit

  57. GRAVITY CAT DR. HAX and Chuckes NOT AMUSED!!!!!!!!!!

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  60. what about renamon?

    not that anyone actually cares, i just figured the description would be funny

  61. From which game is
    - Charles Olson AKA Chuckles the Cheat - or is original to you?
    Please answer me ( )

  62. I'm interested in Alex from the latest one (#9) seeing as he randomly just turns into a head protruding from one of his wrapped up treats.


  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. how i gonna get the "the most annoying sound in the world"(UberKleiner) and Gravity Cat???

    P.s. Haxxxx!

  65. My friend, 1cat294, said he talked to Bo Schitt vis skype a while ago. Bo Schitt claimed he didnt like using Dr. Hax anymore. Notice he's hardly in ep 8 and ep 9? I'd love to see Uberkleiner kill him, if that's what Bo Schitt wants...

  66. Whaddabout the Heavy? Or Lewis...

  67. I adore to look Idiot box! I want new series!!!

  68. Thank you Bo Schitt for your awesome work, We'd all love to see more Fred, less HAAAX, and Renamon on drugs in your upcoming projects. Also looking forward to the TF2 story-based thing.
    We'll be patient as always in the meantime...

  69. so.... is UberKlienir and Dr. Hax both rivals, allies, enemies, or none?

  70. Hax FTW.

    Also, I know someone who would PAY to see nude pics of REnamon. Extremely disgusting.

  71. peeps needing adding to list: goldblum (how'd you think of that guy?)
    definately dirty Renamon, awesome character

    BTW kris, FYI, this is not renamon at her worst you wanna see bad? visit, and look at any of the digimon comics. BTW palcomix is a hentai A.K.A. ANIME PORN site only check it out if you wanna be scarred for life, or if you want to deform your childhood, (if you were a 90's kid who grew up with these things)

  72. Gravity Cat is amused by your cast of characters... It is to good to be real....Maybe we can use cell phones to...WTF!....HAAAAAAX!!!

  73. @patriotails

    Thank's i thought i was a bad enough dude to survive, but now i will be crying myself to sleep... O_O

  74. Comment below on who your favorite character is. Mine is Gravity Cat for sure.

  75. Is Charles Olson (Chuckles The Cheat) named after the song "Olson" by Boards Of Canada?

  76. Chuckles the Cheat > ROFLOLMAO LOL
    He is EPIC! The best character! More of him on Ep 10 plz!!!

  77. I think, that must be some update. To add new characters of the series like Heavy, Louis, Zoey, Bill, Francis, Gman and Father Grigori. That is my opinion no offence.

    Bodyway... I miss Father Grigori and Gravity Cat in the series. :(

    And right. Chuckles and Dr Hax is the best of Gmod Idiot Box. But my second favorite is #1 and Uberkleiner ! :) Keep it good work Bo Schitt and have fun. :)

  78. {Dr.Breen}Watch The Head Humpers Gordon
    {Gordon} HELL NO!

  79. RTO training & consulting

    Hi Dasboschitt. This man is freaking funny. I wish you won't be lazy again. So I could read a lot more.

  80. beauty salon equipment

    Hello Das. You are so damn hilarious man. You tickle my funny bone all the time.

  81. Must see battle between Dr.Hax and Uberkleiner!

  82. i like chuckles,hax,#1,yourself and uberkleiner!

  83. Nice work man You,#1,hax, and gravity cat are epic hope to see 11 soon

  84. I Think we Might Need to add new characters

  85. Gravity cat NOT amused by Apocalypse rumors! lol

  86. I want to be able to add Dr. HAX into Minecraft..... at least on servers. LOLZ!

  87. scout:"they are call me crazy ho uh uh uhhhh"
    heavy:"baah hahaha!"
    -i like this moment wkwkwkwk....-

  88. YES! I fucking love The Idiot Box Cast!

  89. I couldnt stop laughing when #1 bumped into the elevator button in Episode 8. Keep up the great work!

  90. Replies
    1. hårsjelle
      월 -E 월 -E 월 -E 월 -E 월 -E


      / \


      I HATE YOU BÆSJ!!!!

      I ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ YOOHOO & PAMMEE


  91. And What about Alex and Derek? Other than Derek likes to curl in a ball and pretend to be a hush puppy?

  92. A miracle? someone posting on the boschitt blogs in 2019? too bad this blog is dead

  93. Hard to believe this blog is so old. I wonder if he even remembers it. It's almost 2022 now and I still find myself back here every now and again to reminisce on the past. The good ol' days when I was in middle school watching the idiot box on the classroom computer after doing all my work. Episode nine was always my favorite. I'm turning twenty-two in three days now. I know you will probably never see this but thank you for all the laughs and memories man.
