Saturday, October 8, 2011

Das Bo Schitt, a brony?

So at the release of episode 10, it took the use of three sound effects in the episode to spark the big rumor, is Das Bo Schitt a "BRONY?" Now, for those of you who don't know, a "brony" is defined from the internet as someone who is a fan of the new TV show, "My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic". The show strangely exploded well beyond its key demographic of little girls, to males ages 20 and beyond, even getting so much as Stephen Colbert involved as one. So, that said, am I a brony? Let me take this time to annoyingly beat around the bush and ask a question of my own; is that REALLY the definition of a brony?

It's becoming more evident that the term "brony" is a lot like one of those broad, convoluted labels up there with gamers and furries, all of which sound like weird social classes. These types of labels lump together all participants into one generalized label and still don't clearly distinguish the very casual from the very extreme. It just takes playing video games for entertainment to immediately be given the gamer label nowadays, even if it's only for 2 hours every other day. That label is shared even with those who deteriorate in front of World of Warcraft for 20 hours a day and crap in a sock if it meant they didn't have to get up to use the restroom. That's what the brony term sounds like; a loosely generalized label that will get tiring having to specify to the many that don't make it past first glance, or those don't even want to if it means they have an easy target to giggle at.

That being said, if you're asking me if I've watched and enjoyed the show, the answer would be yes. Whenever hype surrounds a TV show, movie or video game to a heavy degree, I'm often up for taking part and gaining personal perspective, and this particular show even had the backing of some of my closest friends. Now I'm a fan of great characters and subtlety, and this show has both, regardless of it's very ham handed title and target audience that understandably repels people at the first glance. I can safely say I understand the appeal of the show beyond it's target audience, as we adults can still appreciate natural feel, good characters and above all, good humor.

HOWEVER, getting back to the mention of those generalized labels, I'm choosing to reject the "brony" label just the same as I choose to reject the "gamer" label. I think the show is good, but I'm not here to make a heavy handed social movement. I'm not jumping into MLP groups, going on recruiting runs, saying people are stupid for not liking the show or racking my brain wondering if a particular person also likes the show. You can keep the label, I just think the show is good.

It's weird that I feel I have to explain my stance on this, yet even though I'm looking to take the middle ground, it's inevitable people are going to lump me with the brony label anyway. They do it all the time to ease their filing systems, fabricate an easy target and/or add another name to represent a case in their favor. All the headaches could have been avoided if both the bronies and the non-fans could just agree to disagree, but the overzealous fans make the non-fans want to retaliate and vice versa, which brings us to this "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists" sort of mentality.

Well, my answer was already given, so at this point, I'm just dragging on. In closing, it's a fun show with good characters and that is what makes it effective in delivering its lessons to its key demographic as well as going beyond it. Just don't expect me to go joining your Steam groups and definitely don't expect me to speak as some recruiter. Remember, furries are catching the brutal rep they have because of the high volume of overzealous ones, so let's not repeat history.


  1. I honestly don't know why we're even talking about this to begin with in all honesty.

    People like things, people like other things, what exactly in the hell does that matter?

    Of course, you already answered that with the "zealous vs. non-fan" deal. It really is weird that you have to explain yourself.


  3. And srry 4 the funny spelling of like

  4. Is the brown one applejack or somethin?

    1. That'd be Dr. Hooves. The fans named him Doctor Whooves because he vaugely resembles the 10th doctor and has an hourglass on his flank...

  5. My friends asked me to watch an episode. I still don't understand.

  6. i watched the first 4 minutes of episode one... still have no idea what people are going on about XD I like watching parody's on it though even if I don't fully understand the jokes surrounding characters :D

  7. lol, you guys gotta watch more than 4 minutes of one episode. :p I will admit, it took me about 4 or 5 episodes before I really started to like it. I mean, I've seen some people love the show within the first few minutes, but that doesn't happen very often. A few minutes (or even a full episode) is not really enough time to get to know the characters' personalities and notice all of the subtle things that make the show awesome.

    1. I agree. Normally im a "2nd chance" type of guy, so when the two parter first episode was viewed by me, it took me about 3 more to understand. And be forever manipulated.

  8. I like the way you think because I'm in the same position. If fans knew that shoving shit down someone's throat won't do shit, maybe they would stop doing it. Unfortunately, I don't think that will ever happen.

  9. Just in case you want to make a pony skit, take these.

  10. I feel stupid now XD

    Still, I ain't no zaelot, but i still like to look around on the brony forums

    Brony doesnt have a precise definition, it's a bit like beauty, we all have our own interpretations and images...

    Anyway, i'm glad you like the show :)

  11. I don't expect you to jump into the fandom Mr.Boschitt. I would however, like to know who your favorite is. (Hint: Fluttershy is best pony)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think You're overreacting but after what the history will call a "Renamon incident" it's completely understandable. And I think clarifying Your stance was indeed necesary. If You watched the show and enjoyed it then I guess You are a Brony, becouse that's the most basic meaning of the term. The fact that it's largely misunderstood by most doesn't change it's meaning (likewise- Furries have the same dilema). Though if You don't want to be called a Brony it's cool to. No pressure. Oh and thank You and *brohoof*- You made My day and several weeks in advance. Peace.

  14. wow i dont quite know what to say. Just thx for your work to write that long statement! Your the proof that only people with something special can notice the appreciation of the show =) I tried to secretly like it too, but it turned out making 15 Rainbow Dash Wristbands o.o

  15. That does tend to happen. I can't really call myself a Zealot either, but the brony community as a whole is actually great fun to hang around in, despite the slightly weird people that are there too.

  16. That's right! Don't let yourself be bound by labels! You are who you are, you are not a label! Now where's my label gun?

    Cave Johnson. We're done here!

  17. I agree with you completely concerning labels.
    I doubt there would ever be a "Renamon" incident among Pony fans though, considering we tend not to take ourselves as seriously as certain other fandoms. And considering that a significant amount of the pony related fanart and fiction treats our fandom's icons significantly worse than DBS ever portrayed Renamon.

  18. Labels... Everybody has them. Whether it's based off of someone that you might find in a video game, TV shows, ect, everybody has them. Like me. I really hate stairs. Genuinely. Now while some people I know call me a Francis, I call myself a stairs hater. But there is really sub catogories if you think about it. Like a WoW gamer who plays 20 hours a day. Those are considered... Well... WoW gamers. People who play Black Ops hours on end and harass the person at the bottem of the scoreboard while talking about how "MLG" they are... Most people consider them douches, but I call them BLOPS douches. (BLOPS basically stands for blockheads, I don't know my friend came up with it.) Then there's the little kids that scream into their mic when they die... Those are in many games like Halo or BLOPS. There isn't really a catogory for them. They are just who they are, being annoying as fuck. But, there IS the rare jewel of the games: Ok kids. While rarer than a Polar Bear in the Artic, they are pretty ok when you meet them. Why this is, is because most of the actually smart kids are either not playing video games, already have a series that they like, or play the game at a friends house. The reason these kids are actually smart is because they aren't exposed to what seems to be the giant majority of idiots out there. Those kids are basically labled as Smart Kids. While few, they are mostly painfully aware of the widely true sterotype. While unfortunatly, most idiots are on the stations instead of PC, thats because PC gamers are, in general, more smarter, because they need to be to play games that require more stradegy. That's also because PC gamers fight the coming of... Stupitidy. I personally am not a PC gamer, but my cousin is. I have noticed on youtube browsing that people tend to make the stupids go away by in general making them feel unwelcome. While I may be wrong about this, from what I have seen it is true.

  19. Everyone on the internet has seen quick-to-slap-on-the-label reactions to things anywhere, but when it comes to My Little Pony, I don't think I've ever seen it done so fast by so many.

    People can't even make parodys about the Pony sub-culture that's developing without getting the question mark. At least if you're poking fun at Justin Beiber or Rebecca Black, people laugh with you. But if you were to even poke a bit of fun or make any unintential reference at MLP, they'd question you or even remove the doubt and just stamp the label, similar to your situation with the easily missable quotations for the use of a Scout character to make comedy about Team Fortess 2 multiplayer, Minecraft's creeper & the Nyan Cat meme.

    It really is like you can't enjoy something without getting a strictly defined label for it these days. Like I like a bit of Halo Co-op or Firefight and I love Gears of War, but does that automatically make me a Console Fanboy because I choose to play something different from my STEAM games? Or yourself with the Gmod Idiot Box's use of ragdolls of popular characters, particularly outside of the Valve games, does that automatically make you a hardcore lover or evil hater of them or their fanbase specifically?

  20. Seriously DasBoSchitt, anyone who believes in stupid stereotypes is to be left alone. You shouldn't react to idiots who think you might be are a brony. They are not worth your time. Like what the Unkown said (first comment guys), people like things and hate things (and about 80% of us are inbetween), so whats the big deal?

    1. YYYEEESSS! Finally! Normal guy!

  21. i myself am a furry i know exactly what you mean here with this brony thing and it most likely will reach the point of the shunning that we furries get mainly to the fact of the millions that are diehard fans of this show and yes i do agree the show is good and i do enjoy it but i would not label myself as a brony.

  22. Have u seen the my little pony things in the gmod toybox

    1. You mean big dick or somethin else?
      U mad?

  23. I am a non fan. I don't really watch the show, but I don't watch much other television than burn notice and doctor who anyways.

    My girlfriend is a major fan of the show, and I have the feeling that she is gonna ask me to watch it with her soon... I probably will watch some with her just to make her happy but I don't really like it all that much... even if the creator is the same person who made fosters home for imaginary friends.

    Anyways, I am not a fan, but at the same time I don't hate it for existing. when approached by a brony, I just say "good for you, but not my thing" and move on with my life, which is the way I usually react to something like this, it was the same when my bro wanted me to play YuGiOh and the same when someone wanted to turn me from my nonreligious ways.

    In short, "If you like it, good for you!" (c) shinora but not really copyrighted)

  24. YOU BRONY!?!?

    WAIT YOU BRONY1?!?!?


    shut up. dayum it's getting boring.
    Thanks for your two cents.

  25. I watched all episodes, and it's really funny. But in my opinion. Bo Schitt, don't lose your time for idiots. You create a really good series, feel free for this. Of course, i listen some opinions. That's you later of 10 episode of Gmod Idiot Box, you finish the series. And i have now problem but, i don't know who belive ? Okay stop the monotony spam. :) Feel free and have fun, that's my motto.

  26. I have to admit do too, the show isn't rely as bad as i thought, i mean it felt okay after watching just the first 2 episodes. Do still im clueless why are so many who take this show to an almost worship

  27. @DarckArchon. I totally agree with you. Old episodes and new episodes still give me smile in the face, and that fun what i forget long time ago. :) But in the series in the last episodes, i miss show with Father Grigori, Gman, Gravity Cat and Dr Freeman. Of course i remember some scenes like. Guy who think breake cuffs ! :D Or begining of the second episode, where guy tell. "Sometimes i dream about cheese" Damn it, it's still good for me ! :) And the best scene is in the ending of seventh episode, where is a parody of Whasuuuup 2008.

  28. Ouch and i forget one of the epicness scenes form the series.

    Ending first episode ! Where Chuckles is in the somekind of dark place. And she use light to see Uberkleiner face. I love that face ! I love that smile ! And i love that sound !

  29. Thanks to your explanation about yourself here I am finally starting to understand some of the reason this is such a big deal to people. I suppose you can't just be someone who likes a cartoon nowadays, you have to be some sort of zealot worshiper.

    Me, I'm like you. It's been too long since a fun cartoon came about and it's catering more to its older audience as the people who make it realize who likes it. That said, I could care less if other people like or hate it so long as it keeps being made, up until it no longer IS entertaining. But it's easier for those of us with ovaries...we don't take nearly the flak I have seen over it on internet forums I frequent. (which are for completely unrelated topics one would think wouldn't apply)

    Personally I think it's just the internet culture that cares about this so I wouldn't let it get to you. It's the only culture that exists solely in the mind of the reader.

  30. Thats an interesting take you have on this whole 'culture' that you see before you.... while i'll admit to enjoying the show myself every chance i get, it seems that its more and more common to find OTHER males(Similar age 26 or older) , not even online, but a few i went to high school with that are following this show.

    As i hint at in every blog i find about said subject, i'm not ashamed of myself, i do, however, find it a little odd.

  31. Well said. I think it's long past time to stop painting entire groups of people with the same brush, and the overzealous fans make me facehoof. Er, facepalm. At any rate, I enjoy the videos, so keep up the stellar work!

  32. Who cares if you're bandwagoning onto some stupid cartoon, shut the fuck up and stop being so self important.

  33. Glad you enjoy the show. What really drew me in after the first was over was the community, which was more active than any fans of any other show I like. No, I don't go to meetups or anything like that, but I love the artwork and fanfiction that these fans pump out on a daily basis. All in all, my favorite thing to do is just watch the show. I'm glad you can do the same.

  34. I'm a brony, and I'm no recruiter, but I do join groups, use pony avatars, and take in fan-based material of many kinds (and believe me, the brony fanbase has a lot of very talented people). The furthest I go is ask someone (IRL usually) to at least try watching the show before they hate upon bronies simply for liking the show - that's just not fair. If they try watching the show and don't like it, then I have no problem with that, but at least then they know bronies like - we don't like a little girls show, that's not what FiM is, and Lauren Faust made this change completely deliberately.

    1. you not a brony you just MAAAD GAAAAAAY!!!


    3. Nope.avi
      I think you are sooo gay cuz of "LETS PUT A FLOWER INSIDE ASS"

    4. Leeroy, just before you assume that all the Bronies are gay, there was a survey and over 80% of them are straight. I'm not gonna stop you from being an asswipe but, just so you know.

  35. I agree with you completely, Mr. BohSchitt, or may I call you Das? Anyway, I feel the same way about the show, and with that being said, I feel there is no need to go on for an hour restating what you have already said. Keep up the exemplary work! You give me something to look forward to when I boot up my computer.

  36. Great work .... love way you presented all stuff...
    Drupal Developers

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. You like my little pony, you're male, you're a bronie, deal with it.


    2. @Leeroy MLP:FiM isnt gay. its manly you dumb anti-brony.

    3. It's for girls you faggot!

    4. See how much no one cares or your fucking technical gayness you got?
      you have dick what's smaller than Justin bieber's.
      Fuck you.
      I aint tolerating your shit, bitch.

    5. Actually My dick on 20% bigger than your :d El Problemo?

  39. Modder, you're why we can't have good things.

  40. I'm amazed that someone has the exact opinion as mine. I love the show, but I'm not obsessed with it. Therefore, I doubt in considering myself a brony.

  41. I can safely say I take the same stance, but that doesn't stop morons from assuming the worst. It's just how media works - the worst possible outcome is what sets the norm, and MLP's no exception for whatever reason. It's a damn clever show and the characters are hilarious, and it's honestly far better than most of the crap on TV now. But I still wind up calling myself a brony because it's just how it is. Rather than feedin' trolls, though, the whole "love and tolerate" thing is surprisingly effective, makes it fun for me and drives everyone else nuts.

    Fact of the matter is, haters gon' hate, and I just have to say that they better get used to the fad.

  42. this some kind of joke? You guys realise your talking about my little pony, MY LITTLE PONY?

  43. Randomfilms is just upset because Twilight Sparkle is best pony. Alcoholic mare 4 lyfe.

  44. This post pretty much mirrors my own perception of the show.

  45. I sort it into three groups. You're a brony, a non-brony, or an anti-brony. Then brony is sorted into either fan or zealot. zealots hate people who don't love the show. I would fall under fan. You would as well. We're fans, but don't go overboard.

  46. Replies
    1. bronies...goddamn...BRONIES! NOT BRONYS!
      bronies sucks...

    2. @Leeroy stop being such a butthurt. Applejack will kick your ass.

    3. Chuck Norris will kick your ASS!

    4. Stop with these ''Chuck Norris'' jokes.
      Get a life you fucking prick with a bucket of mayo and a keyboard watching furry porno.

    5. LOL! I don't watch fur porno U FurFAG!
      Stop with these ''brohoofs''(And your "brohoof" means ZIG HEIL!...)
      Get a life you fucking prick with a bucket of mayo and a keyboard watching Pony porno.

    6. Please, stop making 5 accounts and posting troll comments. They are the mark of a Deadshit. And this is coming from a 'FurFag', so don't think anti-brony comments will have any effect on me.

      Please go choke on a dick.

      -Yours sincerely, common sense.

  47. it is not your matter if somebody is bronie if somebody wants can be

    P.S srry if i writed somethink wrong im poland

  48. I'm a brony, but I'm not the type that goes "OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGG I LURVVVVV MAI LIL PONIE!!11 I CLOP TO FLALTTERSHAI!!2 XDDDDDD" like most of the brony community on ROBLOX does.

    Sure, I have pony porn on my hard drive, but do I fap, or "clop", to it? No. It's there for comedic purposes, and I actually use it to make other bronies mad.

    I however started to hate FOX because of their portrayal of bronies. Well, I hated them anyways, who owns FOX? The same company that owns News of the World.

    I don't shove MLP down one's throat. I find it stupid for bronies to do that. I linked to happy tree friends, a brony told me "MLP IS BTR HURRRRRRRR"

    Anyway, thanks for posting your stance, even if I am late :P

    1. You troll bronies with porn? Cool story bro!

    2. Leroy, fuck you again.
      Bronies wont troll.
      Only dumbshitheads do that.

    3. AAAnd only PonyFags like watch ponyporno!

    4. @ Leroy + RubberFace i have been seeing you two replying to people and saying all of this hateful shit, if you don't fucking stop, i will report you to blogger and have you banned

    5. If he continues with that, I will:
      1: Hunt him down.
      2: Make sure he never has children.
      3: Break all his fingers to keep him away from the internet.
      4: Beat his head in with a length of steel rebar.

  49. i really don't like the show i mean why do 20 yr old males and etc like it makes no sense its a kids show i mean whats with people???

    1. they give the show a chance and they like it, either they can relate to the characters or they like the lessons tought etc.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. I don't expect you to jump into the fandom Mr.Boschitt. I would however, like to know who your favorite is. (Hint: Fluttershy is best pony) Directeur nominéé Hong Kong

  52. I'm a moderate brony as well, i mean, i like the show but i also like the community a lot, and i've met a few nice people because of it, but i also respect those who do not enjoy it, it's their oppinion after all.
    Good to know you like it too, i was suspicious after those sounds i've heard during the episode (which is awesome as aways, keep up the god work) so i came here only to find this. Made my day lol.
    Brohoof and peace!

  53. Uhh, if you didn't want people to think you're a brony, then for god's sake, DON'T USE SOUND CLIPS FROM MLP.

  54. If my father ever saw me watching this shit show I wouldn't be posting here now would I?

  55. BoSchitt, you may not like to admit it but you are a brony. A true brony. Not one of those dickweeds who runs around like the fricken Jehovah's Witnesses begging people to join or the ones who are so obsessed with the show that they forget that opinions exists.

    You enjoy the show, for the show. You tolerate others' opinions and aren't a dick about it when someone starts hating.

    That, my friends, is a TRUE brony.

    I hold my hoof out to you for a brohoof, you can accept it or deny if you wish.

    1. You piece of PISS!
      If he said "if you're asking me if I've watched and enjoyed the show, the answer would be yes." BUT! It doesn't means what he continue watch the show!

    2. Very much agreed, ChickenCoop. This is the way it should be. It's a label, but you can accept it at any degree of involvement with the fandom. And like fandoms dating back to the Trekkies, there will always be idiots who make us look bad and trolls who jump on that.

    3. Yeah example the dudes on tf2 I am on a server were bronys and furries arent even tolerated they think we are like an infection of humanity too bad they havent seen they are the infection with all their hate maybe they dont have something that makes em feel good to watch or to have and thats what saddens me most.

    4. @jesse that is very true, haters can't understand that they are the disease

      it just reminds me of a part of a song "undead - hollywood undead" the part goes a little like this "i see you duck you little punk you little fucking disease"

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I found a Gmod server once, they said no discrimination AT ALL and yet in the rules they clearly stated:
      They were acting as if Bronies/Furries don't even have the same rights as so-called 'ordinary' people. When I asked why they made that rule, they said:
      'Furryism and Bronyism are both infections that must be cauterized from society.'. Honestly, this leaves me feeling very disappointed.

      Don't worry, the previous comment wasn't a troll one. I just fucked it up (stupid keyboard).

  56. Well actually people like or dislike stuff its on human nature to make people that like other stuff to make em think theyre strange and its good you like something diferent because diference makes people what they are and we have a very good diversity I aint much into My Little Ponie actually I am more of a furrie now I dont know how I even got to like it but I like it.

    1. true true Sergio i too am a furry but i don't go around and be a dick about it to people. i keep what i do as a furry and stuff to myself and i dont go out broadcasting out to the world like some furries do, witch pisses me off when people do that. yea yea i may be into the bad side of the furry fandom but i keep that stuff to myself and other furs who are into that. i mostly try to stay away from non fur just because of all the haters now a lot of my good friends are non furs so i don't hate non fur i just most the time stay away from them.

    2. I am the same as you. I am a Furry, and proud of it, but I generally prefer to go incognito (So please explain, why the fuck am I posting these?).

  57. Why do people hate furries and bronies so much?

  58. Even if I'm a brony, I still have to respect some things. You have proven a good point there with the furry stuff because it seems most of us have succumbed to it. Not to mention how we tend to overreact to things. I'm not trolling or hating, but I'm in agreement with what he said.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. "i've already look the show, i find it good, but, i'm not a fan" i think it's enough for normal peoples , but many peoples want more explaintion <= please let people be if they are not fan, they are not fan, that's all, end (the better way to make someone enter in a fandom it's to let him enter into the fandom by himself , post what you like in your blog or on your facebook page, and if he is curious about it, he clic on it and choose if he like or not, don't ask, just let him choose)

    personnaly i was happy when you use somes sounds from MLP (i'm a brony) but like the others gmod idiot box , you've already use some sounds and musics from others cartoons/shows, and MLP is just another show where you can found some new useful sounds, that's all, no problems if you're a brony or not, even if you didn't like the show As long as you don't hate bronies for no reasons , no matter for me ^^

    ( i hope my comment is understandable because i'm french, lol )

    Ps: i'm a brony and i don't like furries (not hate, just don't like), Irealy love the way you use Renamon in your vids ^^

  61. Bo Schitt has shown a wisdom not often seen. I am a brony myself, although not to the full lengths that have been performed. I can't draw, animate or sew for beans, and I live in the original Plymouth (Limeyland) which has ceased to be an area of anything more than zombification.

    What the man is saying is brilliant. You can attach the label to yourself if you wish, but don't allow others to do it for you.

  62. YESSS!!!! I LIKE RANDOM YESSSSSS!!! Now that that is out of the way, I totally understand your view of things. I myself did think the show was ok, but I refuse to accept the "Brony" label. I have two friends that are bronies and they are both nice people, which made me think that maybe the rest of the community is just as cool. Well, after spending a bit of time in the GMod theater, my theory changes. Most of the "Bronies" in there were overly defensive to any amount of hate they received.

  63. Yet for some reason it's the fans of this cartoon that cause more flame then any other "group" I have ever seen on the internet. Ever. I have never seen a single MLP-related conversation that did not turn into a disgusting wall of flame and hate. I have to wonder what in a cartoon for little girls can attract so many anti-social people. I honestly didn't see anything in the cartoon that could cause this much fanboyism, it's just a generic kid's show.

  64. I like the show. I've seen a couple episodes, and it's okay. I wouldn't say I am a brony though. I watch the Hub mostly for the Transformers Prime show (Which is amazing for a modern kids show, by the way), but if this show is on before Transformers is I would gladly watch My little Pony.

    1. you don't have to watch it on TV, the episodes are on youtube.

  65. I agree Boschitt, at first i fucking hated the show and almost felt like going on the non brony side and starting up some rants, andd can agree with some other people that labes can pop up very quickly like noob or brony or gamer ect. But after my best friend became a brony, i changed my mind. I became curious and wanted to see why my friend became a "brony" (I put quotes there because my friend is a little zealous) I started to watch the show and thought it was alright. From then i watched two or one episodes every night on my ipod. I got so into the show i used my laptop once when i lost my ipod. But im not so into the fandom like my friend. I like the show and if new episodes come out i will continue watching. I just like the show as i said before, im not a almost diehard fan like my friend going up doing research on the show trying to find out when the biggest fire-wars happened and on what website or when the fandom had started. Sometimes he'd even tell me creepypastas or fanmade episodes and animations. But rweally i just check out the show and don't really go under the label brony, in my mind at least. Out loud i keep it to myself and i am considered a brony by the nonfan friends, nevertheless I don't consider myself a brony

  66. I understand and agree with EVERYTHING stated here, I think that My Little Pony is a good and well-made show but I don't particularly like or watch it myself. Thank you for having an IQ over 9000.

  67. "Let's not repeat history."

    Coming back, it's sad because that's exactly what happened.

  68. One day he will come back. One day...
