Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Idiot Box shifting gears

Okay, so regardless of the 9:58 time frame in the recent Idiot Box 5, comments have shown that people find that episode to feel "short" and not as good as the other episodes. This I can agree with. I've been trying to do the more longer, structured skits lately, but I can kind of tell that the style in that sense isn't really all that fun and re-watchable as rapid fire gags.

So next episode, I hope to be shifting gears and see the outcome of it. We're going to go back to the old days of just plain quicker, silly humor, damn the punchlines and buildup. After all, that's what the beginning of this series was founded on, right? That of course, won't mean I'm just gunna bombard people with complete batshit random retardedness, but we're simply going to try to re-visit the old comedy stylings of the first Idiot Box for a bit and hopefully keep the video length long as well. Ideally, not only should this please the fans who've stuck around this long, but also because this styling of humor is a lot more fun and easier to do.

Anyway, I know these two stylings are two different demographics in a sense, so I opened up a new poll on the right. Which do you prefer? Built up, structured skits like in GIB 4 and 5, or the more constant goofy laughs like in GIB 1 and 2? I don't count GIB 3, because it sucked ass.



  1. My impression is that the longer skits take more time to plot and create, so I definitely admire the amount of work and skill that goes into making them (even moreso than the shorter skits).

    On a side note, I was wondering if you could include the specifications for your computing sysem on your FAQ? I'm just curious about your setup in addition to the software you use.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. greetings from Chile... this is way to far of another robot chicket imitations so, let's not talk about that in this case because is too damn good, besides, if the helth meter pops up. WHO CARES!? you have done a wonderful job here! keep at with the good work plz! i'm waiting for the 6th episode!!! :D!

    i posted this in machinima section...sorry :P LOL!

  3. I thought it was okay with the structure and buildup, but rapid-fire is just... ugh.

  4. I posted a long comment but google deleted it so i'll just say keep up the good work. And i think you're right to listen to your fans :).

  5. The internet is already over saturated with "RANDOM CHEEZ MONKEY" bullshit, keep the structured style.

  6. hey new fan here :), i don't think it matters which kind of comedy you do, i think your jusst as great with both kinds, but what i think is important is that you obvously started this series for yourself, and to make yourself laugh......

    so i think you should do sketches YOU think are funny, because then you have more of a connection with them and put more effort into making them just how you imagine them to be funny, and pay less attention to what your fans think... sorry fans......

    also i wouldn't givwe away any secrets or create 'the making of' series that has been suggested, because you have hundreds of bullshit copy cats who cant come up with thier own sstuff and copy HAXXX!! in so many variations it'll no longer be funny to any of us anymore.... you should hog all your glory :).....

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think short, goofy skits suit me just fine, but for original skits essentially based on the series itself, such as Chuckles V.S. Hax or the metrocop fan should be somewhat longer. We had enough 'rapid fire'-based comedy with Idiots of Garry's Mod, and that was.. well, ugh.

  9. You should stick with a little bit of both. Start out with some short skits to build some momentum and then gradually increase them in length. A little bit of both styles in one video.

  10. I reckon that there is a balance for these things; a mixture between long structured sketches with a story, quick "impulse" sketches of no consequence, and short/moderate sketches of recurring characters or continuation of a previous storyline.

    I must say that all of your work is great, but I generally laughed more at the Short, WTF sketches.

  11. If it helps any, videos on youtube can actually be up to 10:59 in length without any sort of special privelages.

    I know it says 10 minutes, but 10:59 indeed seems to be the limit. A whole extra minute should be all it takes to make skits seem better in quality and length.

  12. Sigh... Comment eaten.

    Ok. I'm not voting in the poll because my opinion is mixed. Personally, I think 1 & 2 were great, 3 was good, and 4 was great. But, 5 did feel like it dragged on for me. The intro was way too long, and focused on something that was unfunny if you weren't familiar with the meme. (Or maybe it wasn't funny even with the meme... Idk.) The Pills, Grigori, and Francis segments were all perfect, the right chunk of time and quite funny. I think Heavy-Alyx could have been shortened slightly- like, 10 seconds slightly. It was funny, but just felt a littttle long, somehow. I think shorter is better, but not TOO short. If that makes any sense. Or, a video with mostly short pieces and a few long ones. If something is unfunny and goes on for a long time, it makes the whole video kind of unpleasant. If it's short and unfunny, it's gone and over with in no time and we're on to the good stuff.

    More or less, use your judgment! We're here responding to your blog because we love your vids and you came up with all this stuff! If it seems too long to you, prune it! If it's fine, it's fine! We'll probably watch them 24058245 times anyway. ;)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It is supposedly possibly to upload videos longer than 10 minutes based on one of several criteria: * Have an account made in 2006
    * Have an accout type "director"
    * Be a Youtube partnet

    If you meet any of these criteria, Youtube will probably permit you to upload videos greater than 10 minutes long.

    If you think you've got a big enough audience, then you can apply for a YT partnership at:

    It's worth a try! :-D

  15. Let me just say that you're brilliant. You're really the only reason I visit YouTube. You're doing a bang-up job. I was thinking of asking to help you with anything you might need, but anyone can see that you're more than capable (and funnier!) than any group of wannabe GModders.

    In response to your post, I guess the shorter skits are more satisfying, yeah. While the longer ones are more theatrical and require much more time and care, a good portion of the humour comes from the absolute randomness found in your first couple videos. A good example of this would be "Quick Draw Heavy". While everyone likes to see a ragdoll get hurled into a bunch of computers and whatnot, it was a little bit predictable. Not to say it wasn't funny,

    Sorry for the fat comment. I just found (and am currently Following) your blog, and look forward to your posts and videos in the future.

  16. Love your videos! keep up the good work, and dont sleep till you got the Idiot Box Episode 6!!

  17. Billy Mays is dead!

    Looks like Vince has finally won.

  18. I loved the rapid fire shorts, and I don't give a shit if it looks like Robot Chicken. Because it isn't, and I know it isn't trying to be.

  19. I like both. But I think the 2nd one was the best of all :) "Power the main thrusters" :DDDD

  20. How you do that ragdolls???
    I am intressed to do a "movie" with that...

  21. whos that bluish grey character on episode 5?(3:14-3:55)
    i was intressed know about this

  22. haha i think its cool how u make the ragdolls fly and crash and stuff like that. like when something explodes they go flying for example. How do you make that happen?? do u have to unfreeze them right at the same time u make somethin explode?

  23. fast paced are better by far but have a small build up to the punchline
    and kepp 'em coming don't stop with episode 6

  24. I feel that the credits are the majority of the video sometimes. I like when you use real audio and make it funny, like the Xbox Avatar Conference for example. I think you shouldn't do very short skits (like some 2 second ones) I think everyone would be more happy if you stayed with mid-range type, like... 7-10 seconds, possibly?

  25. I like the falling down stuff, but seriously can you make a video teaching how to do some of the things you do in gmod. I dont know how you did some of the effects and its really making me angry.

  26. ok, das, not to be a total cocksucking asshole, but when is ep 8 coming out?! ):

    please don't give up on your fans, we enjoy your show too much! ):

  27. i loved episode three especially the robotnic song

  28. Das bo shitt his(her,its) partou known the proof is you really the best and your sketches I am French excuse I for my writing because English is not telement my cup of tea but vraimen I and my friends we find that everything is really brilliant.

    Just misses a small detail it is that sketche comance has resemblé I know that it is episode with the fox dificile but in your last one or I do not know quiet I liked when it killed francis pétan quant she(it) was bouré (at the beginning)

  29. gravitycat not amused is mi favorite

  30. please don't give up on your fans, we enjoy your show too much! ):
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