Monday, December 28, 2009

No, really, chill the hell out

Yeah, if you ask me, the end of the year holidays were pretty eventful ones. You regular readers of the blog, who are also the much cooler of the fans, probably remember that early October was the month my shift was changed and I started work all afternoon for 6 days out of the week. This of course, led to me coming home late at night each time with no room to talk to my team of mappers, modelers and reskinners, much less do most of my general errands. A lot of that was reserved for the one day off I had each week. Even then, the end of the year was also a very busy one for my resource team as well, so not much got done in the last 3 months. At this very moment, I'm a little over half way done with The 8th episode of The Gmod Idiot Box and also half way done with a special project that was meant for Halloween, until of course, my shift ate me alive. I'm still doing the project though, because it's very different from what I usually do and helps me flex my "scary" muscle a bit, being a lover of horror games. As for GIB 8, I'm still waiting on one more re-skin and a custom model job for a new regular character to complete the episode.

Of course, the very wide time gap since the last episode has let the much more spastic fans, (don't pretend you don't know who you are) to start assuming the weirdest shit and of course, start spreading rumors. I mean, LIFE isn't to blame for getting in the way of the ammount of free time you have, right?! Here's just a few of those rumors I've been getting:

1 - I was banned from YouTube and was unable to access my channel ... regardless of the fact that I was regularly posting bulletins
2 - I completely stopped making videos without warning because I was pissed at the fans
3 - Someone posted a "Rick Roll" video with the GIB 8 title and was unable to title it like I usually do, leading to my refusal to post the video with a title variation.
4 - I died
5 - I didn't want to tell anyone that the episode was "scrapped"
6 - I ran out of ideas
7 - I was sending the episode to friends only
8 - My computer got hacked

The list goes on, really. That's just what I could come up with off the top of my head at 3:00 AM. So anyway, to recap for the impatient of you, it wasn't because I was abducted by aliens, it's as simple as shit getting busy for me and my resource team. Don't you think I would give better warning before I stopped making videos, let alone the Idiot Box series?

Anyway, for a quick update, I expect to have the very late Halloween video out mid January. As for the Idiot Box, I'm hoping Dec and DMGaina can provide me with the last of the resources neccessary to finishing that video around the same time frame. Those of you patient fans, thanks for sticking around!


  1. I understand how hard to get ideas for Epic episode. You should update blog more often and ignore those fans which just typing that 888888 shit

  2. Keep going! Life is always more important than little retarded fanbys! (For those who think that was meant ironicly, it wasn't.)

  3. Yo dude, I'm a big fan. I'd rather you be healthy and youthful and creative for a lifetime of videos than burn yourself out on a couple.

  4. Yo, Bo schitt, I don't (and I hope everyone else) care if a video is late, and we could probably wait an eternity for it and wouldn't complain, take your time if you want to, we know how hard life is and also, you do all of your work by yourself, so that takes alot of effort. So keep going, don't listen to those damn fanboys!

  5. :D!

    Bo Schitt! your still with us! <:D

    im glad to hear that GIB. ep. 8 is coming our way!

    wish I could help with skins/models.

    but im just good with scripts :(

    anyway, I kinda was 1 of the fans that tought you got hacked... lol...

  6. I Love your show , nuff said. And i'm looking forward to ol francis... hehe

  7. yup, i hate how people go to ALL your videos and randomly post the 8888888 thing, its annoying to see most of your videos filled with 8 over and over again

    PS. gmod idiot box is the best one (in my opinion)

    PSS. you do a good job in what you do

    PSSS. sometimes, i DREAM, about cheese

  8. don't let those immature fanboys get to you. The rest of us will wait patiently for your next videos. Quality takes time.

  9. Do what you have to do, and don't worry about the wait. Genius takes time, after all.


  11. OMG!!!11!!! I AM A Troll and Po$t cOmmeNTS AboUt Stoopid Shit!!! ululululul. Take your time, SEROUISLY. I wwant a great GIB 8 no some stupid video that is 20 minuets llong and is not even action, just a gay slide show. Ok, keep up the good work!

  12. I don't know why some people are so worried about if the video will come out soon. I mean the guy has a job he shouldn't have to miss work or use all the time he has to sleep and relax just to make a few videos.

  13. It would be ok if you decide to stop making videos. Of course it would be a shame, but there's no reason for you to keep working on this, so, just thank you and hoping to see those new videos of yours. Happy new year!

  14. Take ur time dude. We all get busy, and it sux ass. Keep up the good work.

  15. Take your time man, we all got other lives too. Focus on the fans you respect, the other fans just have nothing else in their life besides sitting and hit F5 by your channel all day long.

  16. Life comes first, a valuable lesson to remember. Take your time with the vid. Quality is better then quantity. A quick question, will there be another Renamon killing in GIB 8? I always find it funny how people spaz out when it happens.

  17. just ignore the douches. i know internet hate is bad and all but serriously no need to get all up and arms about it. im shure everyone here has gotin hate and been anoyed (some more than others) but we learn to ignore it. you dont need to listen to the one's who yell out 888888888 or say they will unsubscribe the true fans will stay with you and if not f em. we the true fans will stand by your side no need to get stressed out by nerds who dont shower or have life's. we stand beside you and we can wate i say the more time it takes to creat something the better it is. just look at video games for example! take your time we can wate =)

  18. yo dude, you don't really have to agree on everything your fans want you to do. they are, how i say, obstacles in your daily life. Now all you do is you just take a cup of patience and relaxation, and then you make it become a part of your life. we true fans really don't care about late episodes, i say that your life is more important, so take your time, I'm not complaining. there is plenty of things to do rather than just wait for the new episode by staring at your computer all day.

  19. ich wusste garnicht das du die fans hasst =( ich fande deine arbeit so geil ^^ ich liebe deine garrysmod videos

  20. Your series are one of the funniest things I've ever seen. And not only in GMod, just overall!
    The thing is, as some said before - you have your own life which you have to handle. I totally respect and understand that - being creative on sites like YouTube (I still bow to you for refusing YouTube's partnership offer), requires a lot of time if you want to make and keep making something really good. You've done a great effort with every single Gmod Idiot Box episode, therefore rest as long as you want. I am proud to be your subscriber and will be glad - if passion and honest creativity will take over screaming fanboys.

    Keep up the amazing work, BoSchitt!

  21. Ya,fans can get annoying, like one time i made a a game kinda, and it got 100 visits a day, and like one day it had like 8,000! I'm like holy crap! and i had 45 messages saying to fix certin bugs, things like that...

  22. Ok. No stress... like you work and I'm watting to see more!
    I will get GMOD in a few days



  23. Hey great halloween episode nice take on the christmas carol. :{}

  24. im sorry if i sound like a dick, im not trying to. im a huge fan and your videos have brought me many moments of actually laughing out load, disturbing many around me. and i read your blog and know you have very little time available to make videos. but you choose to invest said time in personal projects instead of one fucking video. all that your fanbase asks is for is for you to at least finish it up. i agree people should stop begging but god damnit you have the time to make a shitty halloween special but not time to finish 1 episode in the series. im not gonna yell 888888888888 over and over again, but come on. if it takes this muckh time to make episode 9, im not watching anymore. and there are plenty of others who feel the exact same way.

  25. ZAENGO, seriously, do you think that DasBoschitt lives just for doing GIBs? Do you think that making a gmod video is just fun and entertainment? (of course, I'm talking about videos at least half good of GIB) Making a gmod video can be boring, frustating and complex. And your sense of humor can be raped by "fans" like you messing around, making the situation even more shitty.
    Making the same kind of video again and again can be really annoying (random videos are the most, because you have to script a lot of sketches short enough and funny enough). The 13-seconds things that made us laugh take him a lot of time to prepare and record.
    And sentences like "god damnit you have the time to make a shitty halloween special but not time to finish 1 episode in the series" are just sad. He's trying to do new things, things that are actually better than 50 fucking random videos (I think the "Treat or Else" video is a masterpiece).
    So, please, shut the fuck up. And let him do his videos relaxed and good.

    And excuse me for my English mistakes, I'm Spanish.

  26. I look forward to your new stuff but we all have your older episodes to enjoy still. Just today, I played episode 5 on the laptop while I washed dishes.

    It was still funny :)

    Don't let assholes ruin it for you. And thanks for putting up with it to keep bringing free entertainment to the rest of us! It's good stuff.

  27. dear bo schitt
    i would like to know if your going to tell us about the new character before you show us him on gib8

  28. If I was you mate, I'd just block the idiots who were spreading the crap about. Serves them right to be honest.

  29. Come on bo im surs ur almost there dont let the asshole 12 year olds ruin wat is fun 2 u. Dont let makin machinma not fun to you. Just take as long as you like, mr bo schitt.

  30. You, sir, are amazing at what you do! Take all the time you want to do it! Rushing it would just take all the creativity and pure awesomeness out of it. As long as you keep on doing this, I'll keep checkin' in and laughing my ass off.

    By the way, just saw Treat or Else. Awesome vid! I loved it! I laughed, I cried, I shit my pants (ok, maybe just the first one)! But seriously, keep it up man. You rock!


  32. I recently came across your vids and have been patiently waiting for GIB 8, instead of blindly assuming any of the silly reasons (ok, I thought #6 for a split second, cut me some slack), I went here and read this entry.

    All the best and looking forward to GIB8. :3

  33. Aug.... all you fanboys are all retarded.....

    oh and Das Bo Schitt um... happy new year and
    hope you have a nice day. :/

  34. We could wait...At least I can! :) After all u did provided us with a new video (the Treat Or Else one) which was pretty damn good,so I'm not with a hurry for the new episode.The Slower u make it,the better it will be!

  35. Keep up the good work, take as long as you need, people who actaually want to see the videos are capable of waiting.

  36. I dont get why everyone is so impatient. I myself can wait like a half year. Its not like i dont have anything else to do. I got a girlfriend to fuck, i got games to play and i got youtube as my side affair. ;) Hope that skin comes up soon cause it seems you are soon done.

  37. I love the list of reasons. Seriously, number 4, you died. You'd think someone would post it up? Was there one on there somewhere saying that you had been caught cheating by Dr. Hax? Bet there was.


  39. Big Fan, Ive been watching your GIB Videos and passing them to my friends, love the videos and im getting pretty interested in this Gmod stuff and i hope all this stuff works its stuff out and you get more free time ;D

  40. Im sorry i know your busy


  41. we all know ur busy*though 9/10 say one of the 1/10 that know ur busy and acually wait.)

  42. Hello...I really think you should rest and not even open youtube or look at the messages. Those fans is good at doing nothing but annoying you to make a new one... In another hand, you can invite people to tell their own ideas (that would be a real brain f**k to read em).

  43. Just watched GIB 8. Really enjoyed it.
    Many thanks.

  44. Just caught #8 and saw "Treat or Else" last week. Fantastic! The humor at the beginning of ToE was your usual side-splitting material, but then, in true Hitchcock fashion, SCREECH! Left turn into horrorville! That part of the video freaked me out. Good Job! GIB 8 is your best yet. I thought you'd have a hard time topping the non-stop laughs in the "Chaotic 50,000 Subscriber Milestone" video, but you outdid it by a mile. My sides actually hurt from laughing too hard after watching #8. Seriously, Renamon and Fred, especially Fred, need to be regulars in your work from now on. Thanks for making these fantastic videos to lighten up are otherwise frustrating lives.

  45. Hmm, would it be better if i made a gmod video with the next episode number? just to make it better than the retards spamming 8? Would be funy if you made a massive crowd of morons with signs with 9 on them, then drop a giant monitor on them or something, great work on GIB 8, nothings better then watching Fred get hit by a bus =D

  46. Cool Video, what with episode 8. Though i feel like slapping you across the tits for including an individual so unworthy of life as Fred, putting his despicable face at the top of related videos.

    Anyway, i eat your force a nature.

  47. Hey,BoSchitt, look, we (of those certain fans who can wait) understand your problem. So go ahead and take your time!

  48. Boschitt, you da man!

    And I'm pissed off that some douche-bags have flagged GIB #'s 1, 2, and 3! I MEAN WHAT THE F*CK?

  49. Damn, forgot to capitalize Schitt...
    (*barricades house in case of a #1 or Dr. Hax attack)

  50. Me: When will it be out?
    I sit there typing 8888888888....
    *Door slams open*
    .:Gravity Cat Not Amused:.
    Techno Music drowns out all of the "Crash, Bang, Dong, WTFBOOM!" sounds.
    *Dr. HAX bursts in*
    Dr. Hax: "HAAAAAAAX!!!"
    *Computer hits Gravity Cat*
    *Dr. Hax sees the folder on my screen that has all my hacks*
    Dr. Hax: "HAAAAAAAX!!!"
    I die.

  51. You should be thankful that you're important enough that so many people would make such assumptions of you.

  52. If some one hacked your computer they would be dead because of Dr. Hax, he's like a fire wall with computers being launched at you.

  53. Well i hope you dont rush yourself i mean we can wait for a good time until the next episode comes out,and try not to let the Furry Radicals (who keep b*tching about that yellow pokemon thing) get under your skin eh?

  54. Well the world is full of retards, screwballs, egoamaniacs, and much, much more. It is the way of the world and many live off of attention and gossip. RESIST!

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  57. I heard that you made a GMod Idiot Box Episode 9. You didn't uploaded it.

    Thanks to Stevaman94, he re uploaded your video.

    Link to Idiot Box Ep. 9:
